Masters of Divinity Program
This course is a study of the major concepts of the Divinity of God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit and their interrelationship. An examination of the method of biblical theology is followed by a discussion of how God reveals Himself through revelation. This course explores the teachings of the Old and New Testament and shares discoveries that provide proof for the existence of God through Biblical Archeology.
This course is a study of the major concepts of the Divinity of God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit and their interrelationship. An examination of the method of biblical theology is followed by a discussion of how God reveals Himself through revelation. This course explores the teachings of the Old and New Testament and shares discoveries that provide proof for the existence of God through Biblical Archeology.
Sesson 1
Sesson 2
Sesson 3
Sesson 4
Sesson 5
Sesson 6
Prerequisite to enroll: A recognized Bachelor Degree
· Thesis Requirements: 20,000 words on the subject: Attributes of God
· Total 72 Credit Hours - Tuition $2000.00 not including books.
· Thesis Requirements: 20,000 words on the subject: Attributes of God
· Total 72 Credit Hours - Tuition $2000.00 not including books.
Course Objective: After completing this course, students should be able to write a thesis paper that includes the following topic matter.
· State coherent evangelical view of the nature and authority of Scripture
· Understand how to properly use and interpret the Bible
· Discuss the meaning and importance of the divine attributes of God, and Jesus Christ
Testing and Grading:
This comprehensive Master of Divinity study program is a part of our college correspondence division. All quizzes and examinations must be proctored by a documented licensed or ordained minister or college instructor. Completed exams are to be mailed directly by the proctor to Crossroads Bible College and Seminary Administration for grading.
Essay Assignments and Research Paper Requirements:
Written research assignments must reference sources when utilized in homework assignments. References must include title of manuscript, page location, book author name, and name of publisher and date of publication.
The student must write an essay for each course of study that if it is required by the course outline. The usual length of an essay is 2000-3000 words based on courseware provided.
Crossroads Bible College and Seminary allows students to choose their own additional reading material for their research assignments.
Thesis Requirements:
· 80-100 page Thesis
· Journal Format Quality
· Type written and Double spaced
The student must demonstrate accurate knowledge of each topic of study and provide a thorough analysis on the subject based on the courseware provided.
Writing a Dissertation - Thesis or Research Paper:
When writing your dissertation, thesis, or essay you must use the following guidelines.
· Cover page
· Abstract – a condensed summary of details of the written assignment
· Introduction – the background of study that contains a strong dissertation, thesis or essay statement
· Literature review – synthesized summary of different research sources
· Methodology – explains the methods used for data gathering and data analysis
· Results and Discussions – results explanations and their relationship to the hypothesis
· Conclusion – the overall summary of the paper that resolves the dissertation, thesis or essay statement
Sample of Dissertations, Thesis, and Essay Formats
The opening statement of your paper must introduce the reader to your assignment and define the topic and objective behind writing your paper.
Dissertations, Thesis, and Essay Statement:
Think of a statement as an image of your assignment. It should captivate and teach your readers about the topic being presented.
Your document should explain your topic and contain explanations and facts based on your research.
Thesis Requirements:
The student must successfully complete written assignment demonstrating scholarly competence, including the formulation of the research topic relevant to the field of study, critical understanding of the field, demonstration of appropriate methods, and the ability to make a sustained and critical scholarly contribution to the field.
· State coherent evangelical view of the nature and authority of Scripture
· Understand how to properly use and interpret the Bible
· Discuss the meaning and importance of the divine attributes of God, and Jesus Christ
Testing and Grading:
This comprehensive Master of Divinity study program is a part of our college correspondence division. All quizzes and examinations must be proctored by a documented licensed or ordained minister or college instructor. Completed exams are to be mailed directly by the proctor to Crossroads Bible College and Seminary Administration for grading.
Essay Assignments and Research Paper Requirements:
Written research assignments must reference sources when utilized in homework assignments. References must include title of manuscript, page location, book author name, and name of publisher and date of publication.
The student must write an essay for each course of study that if it is required by the course outline. The usual length of an essay is 2000-3000 words based on courseware provided.
Crossroads Bible College and Seminary allows students to choose their own additional reading material for their research assignments.
Thesis Requirements:
· 80-100 page Thesis
· Journal Format Quality
· Type written and Double spaced
The student must demonstrate accurate knowledge of each topic of study and provide a thorough analysis on the subject based on the courseware provided.
Writing a Dissertation - Thesis or Research Paper:
When writing your dissertation, thesis, or essay you must use the following guidelines.
· Cover page
· Abstract – a condensed summary of details of the written assignment
· Introduction – the background of study that contains a strong dissertation, thesis or essay statement
· Literature review – synthesized summary of different research sources
· Methodology – explains the methods used for data gathering and data analysis
· Results and Discussions – results explanations and their relationship to the hypothesis
· Conclusion – the overall summary of the paper that resolves the dissertation, thesis or essay statement
Sample of Dissertations, Thesis, and Essay Formats
The opening statement of your paper must introduce the reader to your assignment and define the topic and objective behind writing your paper.
Dissertations, Thesis, and Essay Statement:
Think of a statement as an image of your assignment. It should captivate and teach your readers about the topic being presented.
Your document should explain your topic and contain explanations and facts based on your research.
Thesis Requirements:
The student must successfully complete written assignment demonstrating scholarly competence, including the formulation of the research topic relevant to the field of study, critical understanding of the field, demonstration of appropriate methods, and the ability to make a sustained and critical scholarly contribution to the field.