Welcome to the "Pastor's Heart." You will be provided Bible based direction, and inspiration directly from the heart of God through the heart of the pastor. When you need a spiritual lift or direction in your life or family, look to the Word. It will talk back to you!
Pastoral Counseling Certification Course Requirements
A message from our President,
Rev Dr Debra Schmidt/LPC.
Counseling is such an important part of work in the ministry as I am sure
allot of you as Christians already know. There is a lot of hurting people in
this world that need someone that is willing to help them in their time of
struggle and need. Are you prepared to be that person? By being trained and
using God's Word you can be equip to do just that. I believe that if you are
trained and called by God this can be a place where your ministry can begin.
Counseling is more than a skill people are trained to do. It is something that
is truly a gift from God. A place where the hurting can stop and the help can
begin and the heart of God can begin to flow.
Pastoral Counseling Certification
Course is a new course we have designed in order for you to
receive your certification for Counseling. The qualifications for this
course are listed below. Note this is not a medical certification, but one
of scriptural and biblical certification only. Upon completion of the
courses listed below, you will then be certified in Pastoral Counseling by
Crossroads Christian College and will receive a beautiful "Pastoral
Counseling Certification" Certificate for the wall of your church or
If you are already an Ordained Minister of the Gospel, you will need to
complete the following courses to obtain certification. Also, along with
the courses listed below, you must send Crossroads Christian College a
copy of your original Ordination Certificate with your application and
love offering.
Ordained Option:
This option is for those who are already ordained ministers and are seeking
their certification in Christian Counseling. Courses with the asterisk beside
them will be sent to you online. Others will be sent to you in the US mail and
are either hard back or paper back. When ordering please go to the Donations
page of the web site and place the dollar amount of course as well as the course
number and option number when ordering.
TH101 Christian Ethics *
TH102 How to Use the Armor of God *
TH111 Spiritual Warfare*
CO134 Solution Focused Pastoral Counseling
CO135 Competent Christian Counseling: Vol 1 Foundations and
Practice of Compassionate Soul Care
CO101 Issues of Life with Scriptural Answers *
CO210 Listening and Caring Skills in Ministry
CO136 Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian
CO137 Introduction to Psychology and Counseling: A Christian
Perspectives and Application
Registration Fee
Administration Fee
Total Love Offering before discount:
Save $30.00 with purchase of entire set:
Not Ordained Yet Option #1
Ordination Test)
If you are not yet ordained you may opt to take the Ordination test that we
offer, prior to the certification courses for Pastoral counseling. Listed below
are the courses and love offerings for both options. Courses with the asterisk
beside them will be sent to you online. Others will be sent to you in the US
mail and are either hard back or paper back. When ordering please go to the
Donations page of the web site and place the dollar amount of course as well as
the course number and option number when ordering.
Ordination test *
TH101 Christian Ethics *
TH111 Spiritual Warfare
TH102 How to Use the Armor of God *
CO136 Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian
CO134 Solution Focused Pastoral Counseling
CO135 Competent Christian Counseling: Vol 1 Foundations and
Practice of Compassionate Soul Care
CO137 Introduction to Psychology and Counseling: A Christian
Perspectives and Application
CO101 Issues of Life With Scriptural Answers *
CO210 Listening and Caring Skills in Ministry
Registration Fee
Administration Fee
Total Love Offering before discount:
Save $40.00 with purchase of entire set:
Not Ordained Yet Option
This option contains both ordination courses as well as courses for
Christian counseling certification and the ordination test. As with each
set, courses may be ordered individually or in the set. If you order them
individually please remember to add 4.50 for shipping to each course
ordered. Courses with the asterisk beside them will be sent to you online.
Others will be sent to you in the US mail and are either hard back or
paper back. When ordering please go to the Donations page of the web site
and place the dollar amount as well as the option number when ordering.
TH112 New Testament Study Course *
TH113 Old Testament Study Course *
TH105 Teachings of Jesus *
TH101 Christian Ethics *
TH103 Soul Winning *
TH114 Word #1 *
TH115 Word #2 *
TH102 How to Use the Armor of God *
TH111 Spiritual Warfare
CO134 Solution Focused Pastoral Counseling
CO135 Competent Christian Counseling: Vol 1 Foundations and
Practice of Compassionate Soul Care
CO101 Issues of Life With Scriptural Answers *
CO137 Introduction to Psychology and Counseling: A Christian
Perspectives and Application
CO210 Listening and Caring Skills In The ministry
CO136 Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian
Ordination Test: *
Registration Fee
Administration Fee
Total before discount for all 15 Courses plus Ordination
Save $55.00 with purchase of entire set 15 Courses plus
Ordination Test:
A message from our President,
Rev Dr Debra Schmidt/LPC.
Counseling is such an important part of work in the ministry as I am sure
allot of you as Christians already know. There is a lot of hurting people in
this world that need someone that is willing to help them in their time of
struggle and need. Are you prepared to be that person? By being trained and
using God's Word you can be equip to do just that. I believe that if you are
trained and called by God this can be a place where your ministry can begin.
Counseling is more than a skill people are trained to do. It is something that
is truly a gift from God. A place where the hurting can stop and the help can
begin and the heart of God can begin to flow.
Pastoral Counseling Certification
Course is a new course we have designed in order for you to
receive your certification for Counseling. The qualifications for this
course are listed below. Note this is not a medical certification, but one
of scriptural and biblical certification only. Upon completion of the
courses listed below, you will then be certified in Pastoral Counseling by
Crossroads Christian College and will receive a beautiful "Pastoral
Counseling Certification" Certificate for the wall of your church or
If you are already an Ordained Minister of the Gospel, you will need to
complete the following courses to obtain certification. Also, along with
the courses listed below, you must send Crossroads Christian College a
copy of your original Ordination Certificate with your application and
love offering.
Ordained Option:
This option is for those who are already ordained ministers and are seeking
their certification in Christian Counseling. Courses with the asterisk beside
them will be sent to you online. Others will be sent to you in the US mail and
are either hard back or paper back. When ordering please go to the Donations
page of the web site and place the dollar amount of course as well as the course
number and option number when ordering.
TH101 Christian Ethics *
TH102 How to Use the Armor of God *
TH111 Spiritual Warfare*
CO134 Solution Focused Pastoral Counseling
CO135 Competent Christian Counseling: Vol 1 Foundations and
Practice of Compassionate Soul Care
CO101 Issues of Life with Scriptural Answers *
CO210 Listening and Caring Skills in Ministry
CO136 Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian
CO137 Introduction to Psychology and Counseling: A Christian
Perspectives and Application
Registration Fee
Administration Fee
Total Love Offering before discount:
Save $30.00 with purchase of entire set:
Not Ordained Yet Option #1
Ordination Test)
If you are not yet ordained you may opt to take the Ordination test that we
offer, prior to the certification courses for Pastoral counseling. Listed below
are the courses and love offerings for both options. Courses with the asterisk
beside them will be sent to you online. Others will be sent to you in the US
mail and are either hard back or paper back. When ordering please go to the
Donations page of the web site and place the dollar amount of course as well as
the course number and option number when ordering.
Ordination test *
TH101 Christian Ethics *
TH111 Spiritual Warfare
TH102 How to Use the Armor of God *
CO136 Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian
CO134 Solution Focused Pastoral Counseling
CO135 Competent Christian Counseling: Vol 1 Foundations and
Practice of Compassionate Soul Care
CO137 Introduction to Psychology and Counseling: A Christian
Perspectives and Application
CO101 Issues of Life With Scriptural Answers *
CO210 Listening and Caring Skills in Ministry
Registration Fee
Administration Fee
Total Love Offering before discount:
Save $40.00 with purchase of entire set:
Not Ordained Yet Option
This option contains both ordination courses as well as courses for
Christian counseling certification and the ordination test. As with each
set, courses may be ordered individually or in the set. If you order them
individually please remember to add 4.50 for shipping to each course
ordered. Courses with the asterisk beside them will be sent to you online.
Others will be sent to you in the US mail and are either hard back or
paper back. When ordering please go to the Donations page of the web site
and place the dollar amount as well as the option number when ordering.
TH112 New Testament Study Course *
TH113 Old Testament Study Course *
TH105 Teachings of Jesus *
TH101 Christian Ethics *
TH103 Soul Winning *
TH114 Word #1 *
TH115 Word #2 *
TH102 How to Use the Armor of God *
TH111 Spiritual Warfare
CO134 Solution Focused Pastoral Counseling
CO135 Competent Christian Counseling: Vol 1 Foundations and
Practice of Compassionate Soul Care
CO101 Issues of Life With Scriptural Answers *
CO137 Introduction to Psychology and Counseling: A Christian
Perspectives and Application
CO210 Listening and Caring Skills In The ministry
CO136 Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian
Ordination Test: *
Registration Fee
Administration Fee
Total before discount for all 15 Courses plus Ordination
Save $55.00 with purchase of entire set 15 Courses plus
Ordination Test: